2s, FREEs & 3s is open to EVERYONE! The competition is broken down into 5 divisions by age:
9 years old and younger
10-12 years old
13-15 years old
16-54 years old
Participants will be grouped based on their age as of February 28, of each competition year.
There is one shooting course, “The Open Course,” that all divisions will shoot on.
Participants are allowed to shoot in as many 2s, FREEs & 3s Regional competitions as they desire. However, participants are only allowed one entry per competition site. Participants are free to travel to several sites to compete.
Participants are asked to bring their own basketball to regional competitions.
Basketball size regulations:
28.5” = All female participants and male participants 12 years old and younger.
29.5” = All male participants 13 years old and older.
Participants and parents/guardians of participants under the age of 18, via online signature at registration, agree to submit both a release of liability and the right to be marketed to, in favor of 2s, FREES & 3s and their respective owners, partners, employees, and directors, which is required prior to participation.
Participants are required to complete the entry form to participate. All entry applications must be submitted online at the 2s, FREEs & 3s website. Entries by telephone, email, or mail will not be accepted.
Regional competition participants will be accepted on a first come first serve basis. The 2s, FREEs, & 3s Executive Committee reserves the right to adjust the total amount of participants per site.
Online registration closes 24 hours prior to the event’s start.
On-site registration is not permitted.
Schedule of Competition
Regional Shootouts: WI: March-May…IA, MN Sep-Nov
Participants must first compete in a Regional competition. Any participant that makes/advances past spot #11 on the course will automatically advance to Sectionals.
Sectional Shootouts: WI: June-July…IA, MN Jan
At Sectionals the top 5 scores in each division will advance to State Finals.
State Finals: WI: August…IA, MN Feb
At State Finals, qualifiers will compete to be crowned divisional 2s FREES & 3s™ state champions and 5 divisional state champions will be crowned! The 5 divisional state champions will compete in one final “Round of Champions” against one another for the chance to be crowned “The Best Shooter in the State.” Whoever has the highest score in the “Round of Champions” will also be awarded a *$10,000 grand prize!
*If eligible and only in WI
All participants must first compete in a regional level competition to compete in a sectional level competition.
In order to advance to a sectional level competition, a minimum score of eleven(11) must be achieved in regionals. Each participant who achieves a score of eleven(11) advances on to sectionals. If a participant does not achieve a score of eleven(11), they may participate in as many regional competitions as they like until they do.
The sectional level competition is a new round of the competition. Each participant will start sectionals with a score of zero.
The top eight(8) scores per division at sectionals will advance to state finals. Forty(40) total qualifiers will advance to state finals.
In the case of a tie amongst the top eight(8) scores in a single division at sectionals, the participants regional scores will be used to break the tie with the participant with the higher regional score moving on to state finals. If the participants who tied also had the same regional scores, they will shoot a tie breaker round at the same time and whoever makes it further/has the higher score in one(1) minute will break the tie and advance to state finals.
The state finals level competition is a new round of competition. Each participant will start state finals with a score of zero.
In the case of a tie at the state finals level, if a tie occurs between participants who completed the course (made all 21 spots) then the participant who finished the course in the fastest time will be the winner. If a tie occurs between shooters who both made the same amount of spots when time ran out but did not complete the course, then the participants who are tied will shoot a tie breaker round and whoever makes it further/has the higher score in one(1) minute will break the tie and be crowned a divisional state champion.
Five(5) divisional state champions will be crowned at the state finals event. Once the five(5) divisional state champions have been crowned, those five(5) shooters will compete one final time in the “round of champions” for the ultimate prize of being crowned the “greatest shooter in the state” and will be awarded $10,000.00. *If eligible and only in WI
2s, FREEs & 3s Executive Committee reserves the right to adjust the total number of participants that advance per competition site.
Scoring & Competing
Each participant will compete on the 2F3 course. They will be scored based on shots made during the two(2) allowable minutes.
Each participant must make a shot at each spot before they move to the next. Starting at spot 1 and moving to spot 2 and so on up to spot 21 until they finish the course or time runs out, whichever happens first.
Each participants score will be based on how many spots they made/what number spot they last made when time ran out. (not what spot they are on when time ran out)
Each participant is allowed up to two (2) rebounders of their choosing.
A scorekeeper will be present.
A competition may be canceled and rescheduled if threatening or dangerous conditions occur, as solely determined by 2s, FREES & 3s.
2s, FREEs & 3s reserve the right to rule and make any recommendations regarding the 2s, FREEs & 3 shootouts that they feel are beneficial to the continuance of the program. All decisions are final.
Participation constitutes permission to use a competitor’s name and likeness for promotional purposes without compensation, in perpetuity.